Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sound and Fury. But mostly Sound.

 Okay, so maybe it's not a great idea to write a blog evoking Shakespeare's lines when they are these:

It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

Am I an idiot?! Will my work signify nothing? 

        Next question, please.

All I meant to say is that while there may not be a "fury" to my writing practice, there is sometimes a kind of ferocious concentration and stubborn determination to fight the good fight and maintain a habit even during what feels like dearths. 

And always, there is sound. I can start with only sounds on a page, word after word that sounds good in the order in which they are coming to mind, and before I know it, that warm-up has led me to writing something more substantive. Sounds determine the mood of the poem, the syntax, the meter. I am always amazed whenI read allegedly "great" poets whose writing has no sense of sound or meter. Even if the content is profound, I remain disinterested if it doesn't sound right. 

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