Monday, July 12, 2021

A Few Acknowledgements

I'm so grateful to have three poems accepted since my last entry (oh, so long ago!) and I'd like to take a moment acknowledge the generosity of the editors and journals who have recently given my work a home:

Sarah Page and Elizabeth Pinborough at Young Ravens Literary Review

Caroline Chavatel, Emma DePanise, John A. Nieves at The Shore

Kara Mae Brown and her staff at Spectrum Literary Journal

Noah Sanders at The Racket Journal

Jennifer Todhunter at Pidgeonholes

Annest Gwylim at Nine Muses Poetry

Alina Rios, Bridget Houlihan, Jed Myers and the crew at Bracken Magazine.

Also, I wish to thank these editors who have accepted poems that are pending publication:

Kristin Jackson at Weber - The Contemporary West

Lori Martin at The Midwest Quarterly

Rebecca Resinski at Heron Tree

Dr. Brenda Mann Hammack at Glint Literary Journal

It may not have been the intention of these kind folks to do so, but they have only encouraged me to work more diligently on my craft so that I can write something new that is worth sending out into the world. 

And in the meantime, I am starting to dig in to William Matthews and Thom Gunn, and I was just given Kendra DeColo's I Am Not Trying to Hide My Hungers from the World. I love my job, but sometimes I just want to stay home and read and write poetry all day. With brief interruptions to watch Welsh soap operas or feed the crows. 

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