Thursday, December 30, 2021

Hello to Glint, Issue 12

I'm pleased to share the news that issue 12 of Glint Literary Journal is up!

I'm honored to have a poem included among such talented company, and I'm grateful to the editors for their support.

"Cemetery" came out of a series of walks I regularly take with a friend in nearby cemeteries. He captures amazing photographs of the beautiful, sad, sweet, (and sometimes humorous) tombstones, statues, crypts, etc. 

I imagine the stories of the dead, and those who went before them, and those whom they left behind. 

We both are fond of lichen on stone.

I think this is the first time I've included the url for this blog in a bio, so if you have found me here, welcome. And thank you for the read. Oh, and Happy New Year.

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