Friday, August 30, 2024

The Sealey Challenge, Day 30: Best Barbarian by Richard Reeves

I read this one digitally, but requested the physical copy from the library as well, to experience it, and better see and understand the lineation. This title was a finalist for the 2022 National Book Award. As I noted elsewhere, I found myself breathless more than once while reading this collection. Incessant, like waves lapping stone into the earth or fire sweeping the land. And this was not the first book I've read in August that features wasps. Interestingly, a few days after reading this, I had my very first unpleasant encounter with a wasp on our property since we moved here almost two years ago - just a single wasp, very interested in a meal I was eating outside. But still, they seem to be a recurring motif in my life at the moment.

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