Saturday, April 2, 2022


What a blessing it is to have friends who understand you! Who say, "I feel like today's prompt was written for Rebecca!" (Thank you, Jennifer Saunders).

Because today, Maureen Thorson of NaPoWriMo pointed readers to the amazing Twitter account belonging to Paul Anthony Jones, Haggard Hawks.

I feel as though Jones' tweets and website could inspire an endless number of poems. It's just the kind of thing that gets me writing. It's all about language: quirky, obtuse, forgotten and then resurrected words and phrases. So many amazing facts, so many startlingly wonderful definitions. I am feeling extraordinarily grateful to have learned about this resource. If I weren't so worn down and headachy, here in my half-moved office with the dark descending outside, I would illustrate my gratitude by using some of the vocabulary Jones has shared.

This morning I used "afterwinter" in a short poem start. As Jones notes, "An AFTERWINTER is a period of unseasonably cold or bad weather when spring is expected." Who couldn't find a poem there?

And then there's this: “thnetopsychism (uncountable). The doctrine that when the body dies, the soul also dies, and that both are to be called back to life at the Day of Judgement.” Thnetopsychism. I write:

That explains it.
Dead soul, waiting.

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