Friday, April 1, 2022

Hello, April

This month may bring its cruelties, but I have plans. Not so much to overcome adversity, but to offset the darkness in the world with whatever tiny flicker of light I can bring to my spot on the globe. Even that sounds so chock full of hubris, I should be ashamed to write it.

I am pathologically optimistic - it's a coping mechanism that rides shot-gun to residual cynicism - and so I have these intentions: I intend to write a poem a day - or a draft of one, or a start. Even a few lines. Even a haiku. I hope to submit poetry to journals, at least once a week - which is a step back from the daily practice in previous Aprils. And I expect myself to blog, daily. While I'm at it, I'm eschewing processed food and meat and most dairy. Because why not set the bar so high I'll get a crick in my neck trying to see it? 

None of these things will make the world a better place. But they won't, I don't think, make it any worse. And there is something to be said for being present and having purpose, and it will take focus and reprioritization to accomplish these goals. What I'll have to drop are habits that fritter away my time and abuse my body. So there's that. Thanks for the read. 

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