Monday, August 5, 2024

The Sealey Challenge, Day 4: The Third Renunciation by Matthew E. Henry

I cannot fully express my embarrassment at having mis-identified this book on a post on X last night - when I was half-asleep, but should, regardless, have known better. 

I will be re-reading The Third Renunciation by Matthew E. Henry many times - because I am writing a review of it, and because it is worth reading more than once. This only makes having called it something slightly different that much worse. Facepalm, indeed. I usually humble myself before noon. In this case, I waited until the end of day for an epic error. 

I had the choice, just now, when I finally realized the mistake, to delete the post. But by then, it had been re-quoted by Henry himself, and had been viewed by many others. Better, I believe, to own up to the mistake. Even my apology has been viewed 7 times in its few minutes of existence.

I want to say much more about this book. And I will, soon. For now, I will simply encourage folks to find it, buy it, read it. And remember, in general, the difference between "redemption" and "renunciation."

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